OCTOPUS DAY, 8th October


We all know about this wonderful animal so, to celebrate WORLD OCTOPUS DAY  we are going to learn a bit more about it!

1. CREATE  a DRIVE document in your folder and write ten questions based on the above infographic . You must include yes/no, Wh / How and subject questions. Don’t forget to provide a correct answer for all those questions!

2. Now that you have some more information about octopuses, sit back, relax and enjoy the following VIDEO:

3. Feel free to watch it again,because you are going to WRITE the story on your drive document. Use present tenses: simple & continuous!


*An extra video to write about? Here you have a good one! Can you describe what is going on?

Present perfect.

I believe you all master the form & use of the PRESENT PERFECT. To revise its structure, have a look at the following poster and do some practice!

We have revised the use of ‘already’, ‘just’ and ‘yet’. We have also done an online exercise to practice ‘for & since

To revise when to use this verbal tense, have a look at this video!

Now, what is the difference between the present perfect and the simple past? Please, write the answer in your notebook!

Do you think you are ready to do the exercises you missed last day? Shall we have a go? Here they are! If you need further practice, here you can find some other exercises.

To relax, watch and listen to the video. How does it make you feel? Is it a happy song? Why?

Listen to the song again and do these exercises

Week 19th -23rd October

This is what we have done …..and what you should have done!

  • Comparative & superlative adjectives. Revise them for there will be a study test next week.
  • 10 sentences (Barcelona or Ciutadella). Use not only adjectives, but some of the nouns you just learnt this week and forget the verb to be – That’s too easy for you!
  • Revise and learn how to use nouns & adjectives related to towns and cities.
  • United Nations worksheet (we will finish it next week!).
  • Check and correct the exam in your notebook. Ask your parents / tutors to sign it if your mark is below 5. You can find the exam in ‘DOCS’.
  • Duolingo!!!!!!! – Don’t forget your weekly or daily practice!
  • Revise your blog and finish / correct posts.


MV5BMjA3MTcyOTA0NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjE2ODM5Ng@@._V1_SY317_CR5,0,214,317_AL_Watch this short animation and write the story; use past simple and past continuous.

The Last Belle is an award winning 2D animated short film. The film was created using ‘old-school’ technology and it features two characters journeying towards a blind date: WALLY, who suffers a nightmarish drunken trip through London as he races against the clock to the rendezvous; and ROSIE, who waits in a bar dreaming of how wonderful her date is going to be…if he ever turns up.

Present simple & continuous. Revision.

2.- Once you have watched it, write a short text about the video  (in your notebook! ) – at least 10 sentences! Ex: The man wakes up at 7 o’clock, then ….
3.- Answer the following questions in your notebook:
a) What was the video about?
b) What verbal tense did you use to write your text? Why did you use it?

5.- Listen and watch the video – you can also read the lyrics!

6.- Answer the following questions in your notebook:
a) What is the song about?
b) What is the most used verbal tense in this song? Why?

* To revise those two verbal tenses, just click here. You can also do some practice!

A bit of history: Thanksgiving.

What do you know about Thanksgiving?

Everything  started this way …

Try to answer the following questions in your notebook.

  1. Where did the Pilgrims leave from?
  2. Where did they arrive in?
  3. Where did they  live during the voyage?
  4. Was the Mayflower a ship to transport people?
  5. How many people were onboard?
  6. Why do you think the only baby born onboard was called Oceanus?
  7. Where were they supposed to arrive in?
  8. Did they get there? What happened?
  9. How long did the voyage take?
  10. Where did they live the first winter?
  11. How many people died during the first winter?
  12. What was the name of the place they built? Why did they give it that name?
  13. Did the Mayflower sink in New England?
  14. How many people are today direct descendents of Mayflower passengers?

How many of these English words do you know?

Some  grammar bits..

To thank somebody for + noun I thank you for being interested in the subject
Grateful (adj) I am grateful for the gift.
Appreciate (verb) I really appreciate all your efforts.
Gratefullness (noun) Think about the gratefullness you felt and tell it to your mum.

 Rags to Riches 

Her name is Malala Yousafzai

Hello 3rd ESO!

I thought it would be interesting to talk about an incredible young activist. She is about your age and has an amazing story. Maybe you have heard of her…

Please copy the following questions in your note book. We will watch a 16 minute interview between Jon Stewart and Malala Yousafzai where you will be able to find the answers to these questions. We will discuss the answers to the questions after the video.

  1. Where did Malala’s love for education come from?
  2. When did the Taliban go to Swat Valley? When did their terrorism start?
  3. What gave her the courage to continue speaking out?
  4. Why wasn’t Malala worried when the Taliban making threats to her on the internet?
  5. How should you fight others?
  6. Who took away women’s freedoms at that time?
  7. Why has the Taliban been successful?
  8. What does school teach us?
  9. What is the best way to fight terrorism?
  10. What do you think about Malala’s life?

Jon Stewart Interviews Malala Yousafzai

I hope you have a happy day!


9th November.

Watch and listen to the video. You can also listen and read the lyrics here.

‘Winds of change’ was recorded in 1990 by Scorpions and although the band is from Germany, the song is in English!

The lyrics are here.

  1. Underline as many examples as you can of present simple, present continuous, past simple and all the words you don’t understand. Copy them in your notebook.
  2. Now, answer the following questions (in your notebook!):

1. When was the Berlin Wall built?
2. Why was it built?
3. Were people allowed to leave East Germany?
4. Some people tried to leave East Germany. How did they try to escape?
5. Thousands of people escaped from East Germany. Where did they go?
6. What happened 25 years ago?



Working day by Andres Borghi + Lemon tree by Fool’s garden.

1.- Watch the video and try to take notes in your notebook.

2.- Once you have watched it, write a short text about the video (in your notebook! )- at least 10 sentences! Ex: The man wakes up at 7 o’clock, then ….
3.- Answer the following questions in your notebook:
a) What was the video about?
b) What verbal tense did you use to write your text? Why did you use it?

5.- Listen to the song – you can also read the lyrics!

6.- Answer the following questions in your notebook:
a) What is the song about?
b) What is the most used verbal tense in this song? Why?

* To revise those two verbal tenses, just click here. You can also do some practice!

Emily’s session: Halloween.

1.- Watch the video.

In case you want to listen and read at the same time, here you are the script.

2.-Do the following quizz (notebook!).

While you are doing the following exercises, you might want to listen to this!

3.-Here you can practice and learn some of the vocabulary related to Halloween. Copy it in your notebook. When you finish, click on “Play this game”  for a second game and copy the 16 correct sentences in your notebook.

4.-And a final activity:  listen + fill in the gaps.