Universal Children’s Day


Open this link and review the poster published on the Our English Corner blog.




1. Does your country have a day to celebrate and honor children?

2. What are some of the basic rights that every child should have?

3. What kind of risks do you think children in developing countries are currently facing? In Ciutadella?

4. What are some things that children are expected to do at home and in school in your country? For example: In Canada, children are expected to clean their rooms and brush their teeth twice a day. Children are also expected to do their homework everyday.

Geocaching Winners!

3rd ESO D


1st PLACEAndrea, with three geocaches found and logged on both her blog and on the Geocaching website.

2nd PLACEClaudia, with two geocaches found and logged on both her blog and on the Geocaching website.


Thank you to the rest of the students who participaed in this activity. One last reminder, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you do not continue to participate in Geocaching, erase your Geocaches from the Geocaching website so that we are not occupying anymore of their time.

The United States of America – A Melting Pot or Salad Bowl

54bdb4e4cc0a9a91ecbaa3ad0fdbd08eAmerica has traditionally been referred to as a “melting pot,” welcoming people from many different countries, races, and religions, all hoping to find freedom, new opportunities, and a better way of life.

The United States is a country of immigrants. It is a place where people from all over the world come to build a better life. Some immigrants bring their families. Some bring a few of their favorite things. Others come alone with nothing but determination. One thing that every immigrant brings with them is their culture. A person’s culture is the customs and beliefs that they hold. A person’s culture is strongly tied to the country where they grew up. It is tied to their relationship with their family. Many people come to America from so many different places all over the world. For this reason, many people call America a “melting pot” of cultures.

The “melting pot” idea compares America to a giant soup pot. Each immigrant is an ingredient added to the pot. Each immigrant adds their own flavor. After each immigrant comes to America, they connect to other people. People learn about each others’ culture. This is the beginning of the soup pot of America melting together.

American immigration began in 1607 with the colony of Jamestown. In 1620, another group of people left England to build a settlement in America. These people called themselves Pilgrims. They wanted to go to a place where they could practice their religion freely. They wanted to be free of the control of the English government. Both of these groups worked hard to build good settlements.


E Pluribus Unum – From Many to One

American history began with waves of immigrants, bringing their own cultures and traditions to a vast new country. No other place in the world has such a diverse population. It is this diversity that makes America what it is and, at the same time, creates the challenges it faces.


But What is American Culture?

Americans come from all over the world. A recent search for “American Culture” on Yahoo! – Regional > Countries > United States > Society and Culture > Cultures and Groups > Cultures > turned up 47 categories! Some of these include:


Native Americans


Strictly speaking, the only indigenous Americans are the American Indians who were living here long before the first waves of settlers came over from Europe.  When Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492, he called these natives “Indians” because he thought he had discovered a western route to India.

Today the trend is toward multiculturalism, not assimilation.  The old “melting pot” metaphor is giving way to new metaphors such as “salad bowl” and “mosaic”, mixtures of various ingredients that keep their individual characteristics.  Immigrant populations within the United States are not being blended together in one “pot”, but rather they are transforming American Society into a truly multicultural mosaic.


 Understanding the national character of the United States begins with the land itself– approximately the size of China, half the size of Russia, and two and one-half times the size of Western Europe.   It is a vast country with an abundance of natural resources.  

223125326From Sea to Shining Sea

The American mosaic is one of different cultures and regional identities, each with unique characteristics and flavors. Americans often think of themselves not only as coming from a particular ethnic heritage, but also of being part of a geographical region.  Understanding these regional characteristics and flavors is an excellent way to get to know Americans.

The East

New England – Early economic and cultural center for almost two centuries.  New Englanders are known for their self-reliance, and distinctive accent, particularly in the North and in Boston. The Middle Atlantic States -known historically for the “muscle” of the American economy, the region became the center for heavy industry.  Settlers were from many different cultural backgrounds, including Dutch, Swedes, English Catholics and Protestants, and Quakers.


The South

Famous for “southern hospitality”, and a very distinctive accent, known as a “southern drawl”, the South is perhaps one of the most colorful and regions in the United States.  English Protestants, many becoming rich by raising tobacco and cotton on large southern plantations, originally settled this region.


The Midwest

This region has been called “America’s cultural crossroads and breadbasket.”   Settlers came primarily from Germany, Sweden, and Norway.  The Mississippi River, lifeline of the region, inspired the world-famous Mark Twain book, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

img-2-small480 settlers

The Great Lakes & Great Plains 

The Great Lakes region, named for its many lakes, played the part of the early industrial center in American.  It is the center of the American automobile industry and the development of mass production.    

The Great Plains, so named because it covers over 1,000 miles of plains and prairies, reaches from Oklahoma and Kansas to North Dakota.  Wyatt Earp, and “Wild Bill” Hickok, two legendary lawmen, ruled the frontier towns of Dodge City and Abilene.


The West

The American West is a geographical region, the “last frontier” to be settled in a vast country.  Settlers moved west to find new opportunity, escape religious persecution, and create a new and better way of life.

The American West is also, perhaps a state of mind.  This “Frontier Spirit”, and the move westward had a significant impact on the development of American culture.





1.) Melting Pot vs. Salad Bowl – What is a better term to describe the United States of America?

2.)Imagine If …. everyone in our classroom treated one another with respect at all times. We always included one another in every activity and got along. There was no fighting – and when there were disagreements, they were handled with productive communication that helped to resolve the issue quickly. Imagine if we laughed together often, supported each person around us, stayed focused on our school work together and always gave a helping hand to our fellow classmates if they needed help. Imagine if you decided to spend time with classmates that you don’t usually sit with or include. Imagine if we had one day a month when we learned about each other’s heritage and background: celebrating the diversity in our class as well as learning about the different cultures of the world. Would things change in our classroom? Would you do things differently in the cafeteria or in gym class? See yourself doing things to show respect for and include every one of your classmates in your activities and games. Now, open your eyes and write about your vision of our classroom where everyone gets along, celebrates each other’s diversity, culture and treats each other respectfully at all times. You can include illustrations  as well.

True Colors – John Legend


Over the past 7 months we have discussed or done activities on:

Halloween and history…

Malala and Human Rights…

Thanksgiving  and being grateful…

GeoCaching and the importance of following directions…

Social Justice and the right to live in peace…

Idioms and using the American language…

Waste and your local community…

Differences between Spanish and American high schools…

Tongue twisters and laughter…


We have come to our last session together and I wanted to do something that YOU ALL CHOOSE! But, no one chose anything. So that leaves me here thinking about all of the classes we spent together….

How can I sum them up?

What was this experience like for me?

What will I take with me from this experience?

And for my students…

What was it like for them?

Did they enjoy the classes?

Did they learn from them?



I’ve enjoyed working with all of you at IES Jose Maria Quadrado. The biggest thing I have learned here this year is patience. I must have patience! I find myself wondering if I did my job well or if there was something I could do to improve. But without my students feedback, it’s impossible to know. Some of our activities together were successful and others a complete disaster. Let’s face the truth! Some of you were truly interested in our sessions and some of you were not.

I find my self wondering if the language barrier was the problem because I tried hard to pick fun or interesting activities. And then I also thought…I wonder if these students are hiding. I mean…not showing their full potential on purpose. Could it be? For some reason some students don’t participate because others aren’t participating and they don’t want to be the only one? I really have no idea!

I was trying to find something really interesting for our last session together so I visited a website TED.com where there are hundreds of short videos on ANY topic really. I came across a performance by John Legend, who you may know of as a musician, but he is also an activist. His campaign Show Me works to break the cycle of poverty through education by working to break down barriers to opportunity in America by transforming the big systems that shape how we educate our children, prepare people for college and career success, and create healthy communities.

He dedicated this song to students and educators. I would like to decipher the lyrics together.


0:22♪ You with the sad eyes ♪ ♪ Don’t be discouraged ♪ ♪ Oh, I realize ♪ ♪ It’s hard to take courage ♪

0:35♪ In a world full of people ♪

0:37♪ You can lose sight of it all ♪

0:40♪ And the darkness inside you ♪

0:43♪ Can make you feel so small ♪

0:45♪ But I see your true colors ♪

0:48♪ Shining through ♪

0:50♪ I see your true colors ♪

0:54♪ And that’s why I love you ♪

0:57♪ So don’t be afraid to let them show ♪

1:02♪ Your true colors ♪

1:05♪ True colors are beautiful ♪

1:12♪ Like a rainbow ♪

1:22♪ Show me a smile, then ♪

1:26♪ Don’t be unhappy ♪ ♪ Can’t remember when ♪

1:31♪ I last saw you laughing ♪

1:33♪ If this world makes you crazy ♪

1:36♪ And you’ve taken all you can bear ♪

1:38♪ You can call me up ♪

1:41♪ Because you know I’ll be there ♪

1:43♪ And I’ll see your true colors ♪

1:46♪ Shining through ♪

1:48♪ I see your true colors ♪

1:51♪ And that’s why I love you ♪

1:54♪ So don’t be afraid to let them show ♪

1:59♪ Your true colors ♪

2:02♪ True colors are beautiful ♪

2:09♪ Like a rainbow ♪

2:29♪ If this world makes you crazy ♪

2:31♪ And you’ve taken all you can bear ♪

2:33♪ You can call me up ♪

2:36♪ Because you know I’ll be there ♪

2:37♪ And I’ll see your true colors ♪

2:41♪ Shining through ♪

2:43♪ I see your true colors ♪

2:46♪ And that’s why I love you ♪

2:48♪ So don’t be afraid to let them show ♪

2:54♪ Your true colors ♪

2:56♪ True colors are beautiful ♪

3:02♪ Like a rainbow ♪

3:12♪ So don’t be afraid to let them show ♪

3:17♪ True colors ♪

3:20♪ True colors ♪

3:22♪ True colors ♪ ♪ True colors are beautiful ♪

3:32♪ Like a rainbow ♪ (Applause)

One of you once said to me, “How do I know what to do…I can’t make a difference. No one is going to listen to me.” And maybe that’s the sad truth sometimes. But there is something YOU CAN DO! Get yourself educated. Your political elections are coming up. I know you can’t vote, but you CAN educate yourself on “WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE” because THEY(the politicians) are going to be making some very important choices for your future after ESO. They are the people who decide. So get to know them.


Are you living up to be all that you are? 

Get out there and DO SOMETHING! Don’t waste your time! Time goes by too fast!

11 Amazing Teen Inventions! 


Sally Sells Seashells by the Sea Shore….

Let’s have a little fun, and laugh awhile!

Tongue Twisters!!

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?


Betty Botter bought some butter
But she said the butter’s bitter
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter
But a bit of better butter will make my batter better
So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood
As a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood


She sells seashells by the seashore


How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?


I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream


I saw Susie sitting in a shoeshine shop


Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she shines she sits, and where she sits she shines


Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?


Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?


I have got a date at a quarter to eight; I’ll see you at the gate, so don’t be late


You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York


I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen


If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?


I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you


I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch


Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear


Eddie edited it


Willie’s really weary


A big black bear sat on a big black rug

10 Differences Between Spanish High School and American High School

1.) We move from room to room, not the teacher.

2.)Students call the teacher by his or her last name, not by the first name.  I would be otherwise known as Mrs. Bowman in America.

3.)American kids eat lunch at school. We also typically can’t leave the building during the day. Not even when you are in 11th or 12th grade.

4.)Stricter dress codes. No low cut shirts. No booty shorts. No profanity or racist slogans or images.

5.)School Spirit is SUPER HIGH. We have spirit days where all the students gather in the audotorium just to get pumped up about an upcoming event, normally a sports event.

6.)School sports are very important. About 80% of students at my school played some school sport. Which means, we stated after school from 3:30 to 5:30 or later practicing sports with our school sports teams.

7.)Honor Classes. Students have the opportunity to choose honors or classes which could earn them some college credits if they are up for it. Classes are typically split between more smart students and less smart students. It’s something debatable. However, I think it is for the student’s own benefits. If you are really smart and bored in class, why not take a more challenging class. Or what if you are on the other end of the spectrum and the class is just too difficult for you. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an easier option.

8.)Choice between Art, Music and Language. When you get to high school or 3rd of ESO, you have flexibility about they types of classes you want to take. You have certain requirements and then you have some freedom to choose in other areas. For example, you have to take 4 sciences, 4 maths, 4 English classes etc,. But you also then have the opportunity to choose which type of science or math you want to do. After you choose a type of Art. In my school Art included, art class, music class, and foreign language class.

9.)We don’t buy our text books. Each year we sign out a text book from the classes that we are in. We never had to buy any text books. The school always provided all the necessary texts and materials necessary. Even in art class.

10.)We don’t pick an area of study after 4th of ESO – we study all Kindergarten through 12th grade, then we decide what we want to do.


Waste & Problems

Do you think about things before you throw them away? Like, where will they go? What will happen to them?

Do you think recycling is important? Do you do it?

Where does the trash in Menorca go?

Have you ever seen a landfill?


Landfill Problems

The two main environmental problems we face as a result of landfills are:

1. Air pollution – emissions into atmosphere

2. Ground Water pollution – emissions into water


Menorca´s garbage problem….

The Mila landfill in Menorca!

The Ministry of Environment has ordered the closure of the Mila landfill in Menorca. This is the only legally operating landfill on the island. There is an elevated risk of ground contamination.

Did you know that most of Menorca’s usable water is from rainfall which is stored in aquifers under the ground? What potential issues can you predict?


All the garbage is currently being hand sorted by workers at the landfill in Mahon so that it can be sent to Mallorca to be burned.

What do you think about this?

It doesn’t really affect you, right? You drink bottled water…

What about your shower? Is that bottled water too?

What if word got out that tourists were showering with contaminated water? Menorca’s economy survives on tourism! Think of all the problems that could cause…


Do you think burning the garbage in Mallorca solves the problem in Menorca?

We are still creating tons of garbage everyday. Now we will have to pay more money each year to throw things away! That isn’t very smart….throwing away money???


How could we solve Menorca’s garbage problem?

How can we reduce our own carbon footprint? 


Earth Day is on Wednesday April 22! Start thinking about what you can do to make Menorca a cleaner place.



10 Idioms about Food

Have a look at these pictures below. Try to decipher the meaning behind each photo and choose the expression that goes with it.

Nutty as a Fruitcake, Slower than Molasses, Cool as a Cucumber, Bad Apple, Big Cheese, Couch Potato, A lot on my Plate, Take it with a Grain of Salt, Piece of Cake, Walk on Eggs…


walking-on-eggshells-shadow cucumber1 18aeab87a36fb827726a88d2db3a5ec2 FruitCake-1 4779524_f248 m9VmxUbxhv6UMcECydo0RsQ Unknown english-idioms-couch-potato 88386




Take these idioms and create a dialogue. Use as many of them as you can in your dialogue.


World Day of Social Justice

“The gap between the poorest and the wealthiest around the world is wide and growing. … We must do more to empower individuals through decent work, support people through social protection, and ensure the voices of the poor and marginalised are heard.”

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Message for the 2014 World Day of Social Justice

What is social justice?

Social justice is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. We uphold the principles of social justice when we promote gender equality or the rights of indigenous peoples and migrants.

How do we create social justice?

We advance social justice when we remove barriers that people face because of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability.


Photographs and Social Justice

  • How do photographs convey meaning? How do viewers contribute to constructing that meaning?
  • How are photographs similar to and different from other kinds of communication?
  • What role can photographs play in revealing injustice? What role can they play in encouraging people to take action against injustice?

Descriptive Words

There is / There are…

Present Continuous…

Describing Pictures




In groups of three or four, describe these photographs. How do each of them show an unjust situation? How does it make you feel? What should be done to change the situation?



Geocaching Information.


Hello 3rd ESO students!

As some of you had problems with your Geocache, please review this post to fix those problems.

1. DOUBLE CHECK that your coordinates are CORRECT! The COORDINATES are the MOST IMPORTANT part. If your coordinates are not correct, no one will be able to find your cache.

To get the proper coordinates, make sure your smart phone has the location (ubicación) settings turned ON.

Location Settings ON If that doesn´t work… go to the itouch map listed below! I used itouch map! It works!

You can go to the hidden Geocache and SHARE LOCATION through WhatsAPP and you will see the coordinates on the location. You can also go to http://itouchmap.com/latlong.html

Location & Coordinates

Now that you have the CORRECT COORDINATES you must CREATE A NEW CACHE. It is much easier than editing. Create the new cache using the correct coordinates.

Captura de 2015-02-03 12:51:53  


OK! Now PLAY – Hide and Seek




Captura de 2015-02-03 12:52:07   CREATE A CACHE





Captura de 2015-02-03 12:52:47   TRADITIONAL CACHE

Captura de 2015-02-03 12:53:52

Put in the EXACT coordinates.

Captura de 2015-02-03 12:54:09

Make sure there your cache is OUTSIDE a red circle! There can´t be two caches in the same place.

Captura de 2015-02-03 12:55:59

Add a WAYPOINT – add the coordinates to the waypoint and CONTINUE.

Captura de 2015-02-03 12:57:16

NAME your CACHE – Pick a GOOD NAME! Spell it correctly.

Captura de 2015-02-03 12:58:05

Choose SPAIN – Islas Baleares!!!!

Captura de 2015-02-03 13:00:29

Add your geocaching experience…

Captura de 2015-02-03 13:01:53

Add a DETAILED description of the area that you hid your cache in….

Captura de 2015-02-03 13:02:26

Add a hint or clue about your cache!


When you continue, choose the size, terrain and difficulty of your cache! Fill in all the details! There is no excuse! You can see the instructions in Catalan.

If you have any doubts review the Guidelines here!

Finally submit your cache!


Reply to this post if you have any other questions! It´s best to do this activity before Friday so that if you have any problems you can fix them. Friday it is too LATE!