Your blogs …

imagesYou already know how to upload a picture, a poster and how to write a comment to one of the posts in the classblog. So, now your are going to:

1.- Choose one of your classmates’ blog and write a comment to ‘My me bag’ post. Write the same type of comment you wrote to the classblog’s ‘My me bag’.

2.- Choose a different classmates’s blog and comment ‘Internet safety tips’.

3.- Choose another blog and comment ‘Why learning English?’. This time you have to correct grammar and spelling and add another reason. Don’t forget to explain why you choose that reason!

Enjoy yourselves!
P.S. Don’t forget to use the FORUM if you have any question!

All about a ‘me bag'(2).

IMG_20140924_144543 In a ‘me bag’ you should  find things that show you are one of a kind. Five items you really     like: my family, friends, a hobby, or even a bike. So, when I share these things with you , you’ll learn things you never knew …

Here I have just uploaded my ‘me bag’ … So, you can learn a little more about me!

What do you think I love doing? Why do you think that?

What you have to do this time is to write a sentence for each of the items in the picture. You have to say whether you think I like  it or not, and why. Here you are a model answer: ‘I think you like reading because I can see four books in the picture’.

What do you have to do?

  1. Reply this post with those sentences.
  2. Is the comment you posted correct? If not, just correct it!
  3. Make sure your ‘me bag’ pictures are the correct ones.

All about ‘a me bag’ (1).

Hello everyone! Now that you all have created your blog, we can start blogging! The first post is going to be related with us, with what we like and dislike. It’s a very usual activity teachers and students do on their first days together: ‘A ME BAG‘. Do you know what it is? Any idea? So, what are you going to do?

  1. You are going to find it out. (… use the Internet!)
  2. Reply this post with your answers….
  3. Think about your ‘ME BAG‘, take a picture and upload it …on your own blog! If you don’t know how to upload it, just go to the FAQ page..
  4. Any problem or question ….? in this post, please!!!!