1.  BIG BROTHER. Read and listen to the text on your SB p 118 and answer the questions that follow.

    1. Pepe’s group
    2. Sofia’s group
    3. Llucia’s group




       2. VERB TENSE PRACTICE. Here you are some links to practice and review the  tenses we have studied up to now. Feel free to revise any link you want and then, do the test provided. Have fun!

  3. TEST
    1. Pepe’s group
    2. Sofia’s group
    3. LLucia’s group

“Christmas is for sharing”

Open your Drive and start a new document to answer the following questions:

  1. Describe Christmas traditions and customs in your country.
  2. What are you going to do to celebrate Christmas Day?

Now, watch the video underneath and complete the following activities:

3. Put the following sentences in the correct order:

 __Their neighbours bring Christmas to the Thomas´ house and everybody had a nice Christmas.

__Mog wakes up in the early morning and smells burning.

__Mog gets scared and manages to call the fire brigade.

__Mog pulls all the nicely laid out food off the table.

__The oven opens and black smoke goes everywhere.

__The Grandfather clock falls over and hits the electricity plug.

__The lights smash and everything falls of the Christmas tree!

__Mog runs out of the kitchen through the cat-flap.

__The Fire Brigade turns up and follows Mog.

__The family go back into the ruined house.

__Mog jumps onto the fan, which starts spinning her around until she falls off.

__A turkey is burning.

__Mog is having a nightmare( a bad dream ).

__An old lady is congratulating Mog.

__Mog is purring in the arms of Debbie.

_1_All the members of the Thomas family are sleeping.

__Mog is contemplating her Christmas present : an egg, her favourite food.

4. Describe what happened to Mog and what she did. Start by ‘It was Christmas Eve and everyone in the Thomas family was dreaming sweet dreams. The children were dreaming …… ‘.  Use the following tables or your workbook, page 134.
  • It all began when …
  • One evening…
  • I / someone was …
  • Suddenly, …
  • At first, …
  • As soon as …
  • That’s when …
  • A few minutes later, …
  • Luckily / Unfortunately, …
  •  She was thrilled / upset / relieved / embarrassed / angry.
  • In the end, …
OPENING Gives the background with details of timer, place, atmosphere and character.
BODY Develops the plot with details of events and characters.
CLOSING Ends the story with the final event.

5. Did you like the ending? Explain.

6.Look at the title of the post? “Christmas is for sharing”.Do you agree with this message? Explain.

7. Give examples of how we can share at Christmas.


8.Pause the video at  0:27, 0:49, 0:55, 0:59, 1:18, 1:27, 1:36, 1:44, 1:59, 2:30, 3:00, 3:20 and look at Mog’s expression. Could you create some thought bubbles for the character at these points?

9.Watch the ‘Making of…’ video and think of questions you would like to ask Mog’s creator and write them down.


bull horse lizard

After reading and listening to the text about “National Animals” on your SB p 116 ( Nr 6  /  Nr 7), take some time and think about these questions:

What is the national animal in your country/area ? Is the animal native to your country/area and is it a protected species? Why do you think it’s the national/local  symbol?

After two minutes, you will probably choose one of  the options related to the pictures above: the Minorcan Horse, the Lilford’s Lizard or the Spanish Bull. Can you think of any other animal ? You can ask your colleagues in class and see what answer they got!


You need to write a text of about 80 words describing the animal you consider the most representative of your area or nation. Please, use paragraphs and include information related to its weigh, size, main features ( fur, colour, tail…) and its character; that is if the animal is brave or strong and it’s good to work or enjoy our free time with. You can look for information on the internet. Please, include an interesting picture of it.

Then, share the document with the teachers on DRIVE.

Have fun and start investigating!!